Energy Touch Up Healings

“As you sow in your subconscious mind, so shall you reap in your body and environment.” – Joseph Murphy

At Citaaraa, Energy Touch-Up comprises of quick alignments and balancing sessions that include Chakra Balancing, Cord Cutting, Energise your crystals, Energise your medicines, Pendulum Dowsing and more. Our expertise ensures a profound energy rejuvenation experience, aimed at restoring balance and vitality.

Energy Cleaning / Activation of Edible Items

INR 1050 (Exclusive of GST) | 30 mins

Positive intent is used to energise and activate an edible item to bring about maximum benefit from it. Energy activation of edible items refers to a holistic or metaphysical practice where individuals or practitioners work with the intention of cleansing and energizing food or beverages with positive energy or intentions. This practice is often rooted in the belief that the energy or vibrations of the items we consume can affect our physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

Energy activation is a way to purify and cleanse food items from any negative or unwanted energise, toxins, or impurities. It infuses food with positive and beneficial energise, contributing to overall well-being.

Abundance Reiki

INR 2860 (Exclusive of GST) | 3O minutes

Abundance Reiki is a specific branch or variation of Reiki, which is a spiritual healing practice that originated in Japan. Abundance Reiki focuses on channeling healing energy specifically to address issues related to abundance, prosperity, and financial well-being. It is based on the belief that energy imbalances in a person’s life can impact their ability to attract and maintain abundance in various forms, including wealth, opportunities, and success.
Abundance Reiki is designed to help identify and clear these energy blockages, allowing for a more harmonious flow of energy and potentially improving one’s ability to attract abundance.

Chakra Balancing

INR 2860 (Exclusive of GST) | 30 minutes

Ancestral healing is a holistic and spiritual practice that focuses on healing and resolving issues, patterns, or traumas that may have been passed down through generations within a family or lineage. It is based on the belief that unresolved issues and emotions from the past, often related to ancestors’ experiences, can continue to affect the present and future generations.
Ancestral healing seeks to address and heal these generational wounds to promote well-being and personal growth. Families often experience repetitive patterns of dysfunction, such as addiction, abusive behaviour, or unresolved conflicts.Ancestral healing aims to identify and break these generational cycles, leading to healthier family dynamics.

Chakra Balancing

INR 2860 (Exclusive of GST) | 30 minutes

Ancestral healing is a holistic and spiritual practice that focuses on healing and resolving issues, patterns, or traumas that may have been passed down through generations within a family or lineage. It is based on the belief that unresolved issues and emotions from the past, often related to ancestors’ experiences, can continue to affect the present and future generations.
Ancestral healing seeks to address and heal these generational wounds to promote well-being and personal growth. Families often experience repetitive patterns of dysfunction, such as addiction, abusive behaviour, or unresolved conflicts.Ancestral healing aims to identify and break these generational cycles, leading to healthier family dynamics.

Energise Your Medicines

INR 1510 (Exclusive of GST) | 30 minutes (Max. 5)

Energizing medicine typically refers to the practice of infusing pharmaceutical or natural remedies with intention, positive energy, or healing vibrations toenhance their therapeutic effects. A boost of energy with a positive intent is given to the medicines for them to align with the patient’s energy, finally leading to their cure. It is not a substitute for evidence-based medical care but is used as a way to enhance the overall healing process. Some people believe in the power of the mind to influence physical health. Energizing medicines can be seen as a way to strengthen the mind-body connection and promote a positive mindset, which is believed to contribute to healing.

Cord Cutting

INR 2860 (Exclusive of GST) | 35 minutes

Cord Cutting is an energetic process of severing unhealthy or energetically draining connections or attachments between individuals. These connections are often described metaphorically as “cords” or “energetic ties” and are believed to link people at an energetic or spiritual level. It specifically cuts the cords from anything done in the past that has been strongly associated with the person. It instils both fear and mind block.
The practice of cord-cutting is intended to release negative or unhealthy influences and promote personal healing and growth. Cord-cutting is seen as a way to heal and release these emotional wounds, promoting emotional well-being and healing.

Energise Your Crystals

INR 1150 (Exclusive of GST) | 30 minutes

The crystals wear out their power after some years. It’s advised to get them re-energised to restore their healing powers. Energising crystals refers to the process of infusing or charging them with your intention, focus, and positive energy. This practice is believed to enhance the energetic properties of the crystals, align them with your goals or purposes, and maximize their potential for healing, protection, or other specific purposes.
The energised crystals influence our energy field and promote specific qualities or intentions. Energized crystals can be used in meditation and spiritual practices to deepen your connection with your higher self, guides, or spiritual beliefs. They may facilitate personal growth, self-awareness, and spiritual awakening. This helps remove negative or stagnant energy from your aura and physical space.

Energise Your Medicines

INR 1510 (Exclusive of GST) | 30 minutes (Max. 5)

Energizing medicine typically refers to the practice of infusing pharmaceutical or natural remedies with intention, positive energy, or healing vibrations toenhance their therapeutic effects. A boost of energy with a positive intent is given to the medicines for them to align with the patient’s energy, finally leading to their cure. It is not a substitute for evidence-based medical care but is used as a way to enhance the overall healing process. Some people believe in the power of the mind to influence physical health. Energizing medicines can be seen as a way to strengthen the mind-body connection and promote a positive mindset, which is believed to contribute to healing.

Pendulum Dowsing

INR 2230 (Exclusive of GST) | 30 minutes

Pendulum dowsing, often simply referred to as “dowsing,” is a divination or intuitive practice that involves the use of a weighted object, typically a pendulum, to gain insight or answers to questions. Dowsing has been used for centuries and is often associated with seeking information about the unseen or the unknown.
Pendulum dowsing can be a means of self-reflection and personal insight. It may help individuals explore their own thoughts, feelings, and desires more deeply. It identifies potential areas of concern that may require attention.


INR 1150 (Exclusive of GST) | 30 minutes

It’s a psychic reading of the other person’s thoughts and mind. Helps in sending across a message to the other person. This facilitates the transmission of healing energy, intentions, or positive thoughts from one individual to another. This form of communication is believed to be more subtle and focused on energetic or vibrational exchanges.
Telepathic communication is often seen as a way to establish a deep and immediate energetic connection between individuals. This connection can be used for healing purposes, including energy balancing and chakra alignment.


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