Signature Healings

“A healer’s power stems not from any special ability, but from maintaining the courage and awareness to embody and express the universal healing power that every human being naturally possesses.” – Eric Micha’el Leventhal
Signature healings at Citaaraa – The Wellness Studio are bespoke, personalized sessions tailored to individual needs, integrating various modalities like Energy Healing with a dual choice, Theta Healing for faster results, Ancestral/DNA to peek and resolve from the roots, Aura reading for tapping into the past-present- future of the issues, Intutive for psychic interpretations and Life coach for general energy consultation. We focus on holistic wellness and energy alignment to restore balance.

Energy Healing

INR 5200 (Exclusive of GST) | 60 minutes

Energy healing is a holistic and complementary therapy that involves the use of subtle energy fields to promote physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. The concept of energy healing is rooted in various cultural and spiritual traditions. It balances the chakra system, the seven major energy centers in the body that govern our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health. Energy healing is often tailored to the individual’s needs and goals.

Energy healing practices, such as Reiki or mindfulness meditation, are known for their relaxation and stress-reduction benefits. People often seek these services to manage stress, promote relaxation, and restore a sense of calm. It is believed to help individuals release emotional blockages and promote emotional healing and balance.

Unlimited Energy Healing

INR 20500 | 30 days, 8-10 times

Energy healing is a holistic and complementary therapy that involves the use of subtle energy fields to promote physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. The concept of energy healing is rooted in various cultural and spiritual traditions. It balances the chakra system, the seven major energy centers in the body that govern our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health. Energy healing is often tailored to the individual’s needs and goals.

Energy healing practices, such as Reiki or mindfulness meditation, are known for their relaxation and stress-reduction benefits. People often seek these services to manage stress, promote relaxation, and restore a sense of calm. It is believed to help individuals release emotional blockages and promote emotional healing and balance.

Ancestral / DNA Healing

INR 4030 (Exclusive of GST) | 60 Minutes

Ancestral healing is a holistic and spiritual practice that focuses on healing and resolving issues, patterns, or traumas that may have been passed down through generations within a family or lineage. It is based on the belief that unresolved issues and emotions from the past, often related to ancestors’ experiences, can continue to affect the present and future generations. Ancestral healing seeks to address and heal these generational wounds to promote well-being and personal growth. Families often experience repetitive patterns of dysfunction, such as addiction, abusive behavior, or unresolved conflicts. Ancestral healing aims to identify and break these generational cycles, leading to healthier family dynamics.

Aura Reading

INR 5020 (Exclusive of GST) | 60 minutes

Aura reading is a practice that involves the interpretation and analysis of the energy field or aura that is believed to surround and emanate from a person, animal, or object. The energy field is composed of various colors, patterns, and vibrations, which can provide insights into an individual’s physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being.
It helps in gaining a deeper understanding of themselves, their emotions, and their life’s challenges. The information revealed in an aura reading can help individuals identify and address emotional wounds, traumas, or negative thought patterns. This self-awareness can be a first step toward healing and personal growth.

Intuitive / Psychic Reading

INR 4444 (Exclusive of GST) | – 60 minutes

Intuitive or psychic reading is a practice in which an individual receives insights in life for past, present, or future. These readings are typically sought for guidance, clarity, or understanding of various aspects of one’s life. In some cases, the energy or aura of a person is read to gain insights into their emotional and spiritual state.
Many individuals turn to psychic readings when they are facing uncertainty or seeking clarity about specific aspects of their lives. This may include questions about relationships, career choices, life purpose, or personal growth.

Life Coach (General & Energy Consultancy)

INR 3400 (Exclusive of GST) | 60 minutes

A third-party consultancy about issues in personal life accompanied with positive intent and tips to resolve them. This is good for those seeking guidance, support, and motivation to make positive changes in their lives, achieve personal or professional goals, and enhance their overall well-being. The role of a life coach can vary depending on the specific needs and goals of the person.
Life coaches may work on enhancing communication skills, both in personal relationships and professional settings. The practice is known for its calming effects on the mind and body.

Ancestral / DNA Healing

INR 4030 (Exclusive of GST) | 60 Minutes

Ancestral healing is a holistic and spiritual practice that focuses on healing and resolving issues, patterns, or traumas that may have been passed down through generations within a family or lineage. It is based on the belief that unresolved issues and emotions from the past, often related to ancestors’ experiences, can continue to affect the present and future generations. Ancestral healing seeks to address and heal these generational wounds to promote well-being and personal growth. Families often experience repetitive patterns of dysfunction, such as addiction, abusive behavior, or unresolved conflicts. Ancestral healing aims to identify and break these generational cycles, leading to healthier family dynamics.

Life Coach (General & Energy Consultancy)

INR 3400 (Exclusive of GST) | 60 minutes

A third-party consultancy about issues in personal life accompanied with positive intent and tips to resolve them. This is good for those seeking guidance, support, and motivation to make positive changes in their lives, achieve personal or professional goals, and enhance their overall well-being. The role of a life coach can vary depending on the specific needs and goals of the person.
Life coaches may work on enhancing communication skills, both in personal relationships and professional settings. The practice is known for its calming effects on the mind and body.

Pet Healing

INR 4480 | 30 Minutes per day | (4 Days Distance Only)

Pets respond very favorably to energy healing. This distance healing therapy conducted for a span of 5 days will send your pet life force energy and take care of their mental, physical and emotional well-being.
Some pet owners use pet healing as a preventive measure to maintain their animals’ health and prevent potential issues from arising. Certain behavioral problems in pets, such as aggression or excessive fear, may have underlying emotional or energetic imbalances. Pet healing can help address these issues by promoting a sense of security and well-being.

Theta Healing

INR 7000(Exclusive of GST) | 60 minutes

Theta Healing is a holistic healing technique and spiritual practice that is based on the belief that individuals can access the “theta” brainwave state to facilitate physical, emotional, and spiritual healing. This is associated with deep relaxation, creativity, and a heightened state of consciousness. During this state, individuals are believed to be more receptive to subconscious beliefs and patterns.

Theta Healers work with energy healing techniques to remove and replace negative or limiting beliefs and energies with positive and empowering ones. This is done with the intention of promoting healing and well-being.


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